兼職售貨員 Part-Time Sales – 銅鑼灣 SOGO 感謝祭 (時薪$70)
Empresa: Agnes b. HK Limited
Ubicación: Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, 香港
Salario: HKD70 per hour
Tipo de empleo: 兼職
Descripción del empleo
兼職售貨員 Part-Time Sales – 銅鑼灣 SOGO 感謝祭 (時薪$70)
Location: Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, 香港
Company: Agnes b. HK Limited
Salary: HKD70 per hour
Date: 2024-10-08
職位名稱: 兼職售貨員 Part-Time Sales – 銅鑼灣 SOGO 感謝祭 (時薪$70)
公司: Agnes b. HK Limited
自 1975 年的首間 agnès b. 店於巴黎 Rue du Jour 開幕後,agnès b. 一直以時裝反映不同年代的面貌;其服飾以恆久及基本款式為主調,務求讓顧客拼湊出不同的個人風格。如您與 agnès b. 擁有相同理念,請加入我們,成為我們一分子!“I want to make clothes that can be kept for a lifetime.”
agnès b. has since the beginning, been creating timeless pieces for every collection, defining her own vocabulary while mixing classic fashion codes with streetwear style. Snap cardigans, full-piece jumpers, petticoats, striped t-shirts, perfecto, strapless dresses, mini skirts, leather pants, cotton leggings…all unforgettable pieces adaptable to any and all styles of the moment.If you share the same philosophy with agnès b., come and join us!職責/ 要求:
- 銷售貨品、提供優質顧客服務、協助店舖日常運作
- 有零售經驗者優先考慮
- 主動外向及良好人際關係
工作地點:銅鑼灣 SOGO崇光感謝祭 Thankful week
日期: 25/10 – 24/11 (一星期最少可工作四天)
- 另設感謝祭達標獎金*
申請及查詢: Apply Now電話 (辦公時間) : 28942776WhatsApp: 97286987本公司亦有全職售貨員之空缺,如有興趣歡迎聯絡查詢。
- All personal data collected will be used for recruitment purpose only.