Empresa: Mannings
Ubicación: Hong Kong, 香港
Salario: HKD22500 per month
Tipo de empleo: 全職
Descripción del empleo
Location: Hong Kong, 香港
Company: Mannings
Salary: HKD22500 per month
Date: 2024-10-11
職位名稱: 醫學美容顧問
公司: Mannings
Mannings is the leading health and beauty chain in Hong Kong with over 340 stores, territory-wide. Our trusted reputation is based on Mannings’ commitment to improve customer health and personal care, leading to ten consecutive years of being voted “No. 1 Most Preferred Brand” in Hong Kong. Our culture is open and progressive – simply to achieve the best for our customers both externally and internally. Applications are welcomed from high calibre individuals to join our growing team.主要職責︰向顧客介紹美容產品及皮膚護理產品;向顧客提供皮膚護理資訊或醫學美容資訊入職要求︰中五或中學文憑,對化妝及美容有濃厚興趣;一年或以上美容產品零售經驗 (曾任職顧客服務工作,化妝或美容工作可獲優先考慮)工作時間︰每週工作5-6天 ,每天工作8.5小時,輪班輪休工作地點:港九新界福利:每月6天休息日、銷售獎金、年終雙糧、12天有薪年假、17天公眾假期、集團購物優惠 (萬寧、惠康、7-Eleven、宜家家居)、完善醫療及住院福利、員工及家屬醫療優惠(中西醫、跌打及牙醫)、14星期產假、5天侍產假、有薪婚假、免供款退休計劃、特別地區工作津貼有意應徵者可親臨招聘中心面試 【無須預約】:
日期:星期一至五 (公眾假期除外)
時間:9:00-12:30 / 13:30-17:00
地點:九龍荔枝角長順街7號西頓中心8樓 (港鐵荔枝角站A出口)
如有查詢,請致電招聘熱線22998150 或 WhatsApp 6897 5922 (https://wa.me/85268975922)薪酬: 每月可達HK$22,500