SUQQU 兼職美容顧問 Part Time Beauty Communicator
Empresa: Taiwan Kanebo Cosmetics Co Ltd
Ubicación: Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, 香港
Salario: HKD80 per hour
Tipo de empleo: 兼職
Descripción del empleo
SUQQU 兼職美容顧問 Part Time Beauty Communicator
Location: Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, 香港
Company: Taiwan Kanebo Cosmetics Co Ltd
Salary: HKD80 per hour
Date: 2024-10-24
職位名稱: SUQQU 兼職美容顧問 Part Time Beauty Communicator
公司: Taiwan Kanebo Cosmetics Co Ltd
Kanebo is the leading producer of high-quality cosmetics and skincare, headquartered in ToKyo, Japan.Our diverse portfolio showcases an outstanding display of international and domestic brands, featuring products backed by unparalleled Japanese technology and research. Creativity & expertise harnessed at the local level are the driving forces behind Kanebo’s knack for personifying the unique beauty and cultural perspectives found in each region. Since our emergence onto the international scene, beginning with Hong Kong in 1961, we have tactfully leveraged our global distribution system with the highest operational standards, while meeting consumer needs at every level.Kanebo has always understood that beauty is more than outward appearance. An enriched sense of beauty for each individual means a fulfilled society as a whole. True Beauty is deeper. Kanebo aims to inspire women to discover a deep sense of beauty that is uniquely their own.To achieve our mission, we are looking for a high caliber professional to join us and grow with us.兼職美容顧問 (Part time Beauty Communicator) $80 per hour職責:
- 了解顧客需求,並提供專業的美容護膚諮詢及化妝服務
- 中五或以上程度
- 具備1年零售業經驗者作優先考慮
- 有意在化妝行業發展,無相關工作經驗亦歡迎應徵
- 具誠懇服務態度,積極主動,勤奮及富責任感
- 能操流利廣東話,一般英語及國語
*上班地點: 銅鑼灣、啟德品牌介紹:SUQQU取名自日文「すっくと立つ姿(直挺身姿)」。以表現獨立自主不失柔美身段、水潤亮澤,同時擁有颯爽和柔美氣質的形象。獨有的美容手法「顏筋按摩」,從護膚的時間起,仔細為每個人的肌膚添光加彩,塑造立體輪廓。其光采將連繫至後續的粉底、眼影、胭脂等彩妝步驟,裝點成年人的肌膚,連表情也變得鮮活靈動。品牌官方網頁:有意申請者請按”Apply Now”將履歷書電郵至本公司人力資源部。